Today's special items

Bruno Gerussi - Celebrity Cooks
Credit for this slice of Canadian TV history coming into my possession goes to the gracious host of Swankola.

A hot commodity from the Beachcombers, Bruno Gerussi used that fame to host a lame celebrity cook show with the odd celebrity like Dizzy Gilepse, Lynne Redgrave, and Donald Pleasence but more usually famous luminaries on the level of Hermione Gingold, Fred Davis, and Mike Darrow. As a kid it aggrivated me so much I wanted to guest on the show and demonstrate how to cook hot dogs because it seemed more edible than what they usually made and I was about as famous as most guests.

Other notes - if you can ever sit through Auto Focus you get to witness a scene where Bob Crane appears on the show. And Don't forget the Jazz Butcher reference.